The initial Plastic Free Challenge (PFC) social media campaign was launched on Earth Day on April 22nd, 2016. It is designed to raise awareness and promote solutions. Because plastic never bio-degrades and disrupts our endocrine system, and is suspected to cause cancer, infertility, and many other diseases.
The campaign is fueled by creative contributions and our participation. Endorse sustainability by publicly posting selfies and other clever and inspiring images to our social media feeds and invite others to do the same. Use the hash tag #PlasticFreeChallenge to tie the community together. And lead by example and influence your circle of friends.
I felt so inspired by this, that I wanted to be a part of it. And after awhile I had the feeling that I had to do more! So, I did a #PlasticFreeMayChallenge21. But I wanted to do more. There for I’m turning this in a year around challenge with #PlanB-PlasticFree.
WHAT can you do?
Challenge yourself to avoid using single-use plastics and to not buy other unnecessary plastic. And spread the word! #PlanB-PlasticFree #PlasticFreeChallenge
WHEN can you do it?
Now. You can join anytime!
HOW can you do it?
I will show you resources and ideas to help you reduce your plastic waste! I ask you to document and share your personal experience of refusing single-use plastics and your use of eco-friendly alternatives. Share these experiences, documented with photos and videos on Instagram pages and/or stories using the tag #PlanB-PlasticFree
“Pick what habit you want change!”, starting every Monday.
WHO can do it?
Everyone is encouraged to participate. Let your friends know about this and do it together!
WHY you should do it?
First of all plastic will probably never bio-degrades, so every piece ever made may last forever! That’s why plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems we face as a species. Because Petroleum based plastics pollute the air, water, and food that we need to survive. Therefore, passive quantities of disposable plastic pose a serious threat to our health and future generations. But we can make a huge difference if we come together and act now.
The Plastic Free Challenge is an effort to demonstrate to the world that we do not need to rely on disposable plastics. Take the challenge by refusing single-use plastics knowing that you are acting as a positive role model and influence on others.
Let’s lead by example and show the world what sustainable living looks like – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
“Once I made the choice and the effort to start avoiding single-use plastic, I became hyper aware of how much I was using. It was shocking for me. Now, with every plastic bag or spoon that I refuse, I open up conversations with people and explain why I’m choosing not to use disposable plastic. Through these efforts made by me and many others, the message has been spreading! It is my belief that by challenging thousands of people to avoid single-use plastic, we can raise awareness, introduce bio-friendly alternatives and put pressure on politicians to legislate for a more sustainable future.”
Way Papa Muse @TWIOOS
Will you be part to refuse single-use plastics?